Connected Horns (Rare)
Allows a Biovent to grow crescent shaped horns that touch or connect in the middle. Can be used to make various shapes such as hearts or clovers.
Multi-Eyes (Rare)
This trait allows Biovents to have multiple eyes! The eyes may be located anywhere on the body but may not be anywhere in the infection.
Tipped Tail (Rare)
Tipped tail adds a shaped spade on the end of the tail. Tufts of fur do bot count as tipped
Tipped tail cannot be used to make an eel, fish, shark, cetacean (whale), porpoise (dolphin), or other such swimming animals to the infection.
Pronged Horns (Rare)
Pronged Horns includes and type of horns or antlers with multiple points.
Pronged horns are still considered horns and do not shed.
Misplaced Mouth (Rare)
Allows a Biovent to have their mouth moved to any other part of their body.
This trait also allows additional mouths without requiring to move the original.